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Bang. The week has been a busy one with a ton of new and news items. First up; Cooper Young Beer Fest. Easily one of the coolest beer festivals in the area, Cooper Young Beer Fest is fast approaching. This beer festival is a good place to chill out, talk to strangers and sip some good beers.

Cooper Young Beer Festival 2015

“Join us on October 22nd from 1PM to 5PM for the best beer festival in Memphis. With more than 30 breweries from within a day’s drive joining us, it is shaping up to be the most delicious year yet.

Tickets will go on sale September 1 on our website. We sell out every year, so don’t wait. Get your tickets early!

We are keeping the ticket price at $40 again this year through the month of September (and we even pay the ticketing charges for you). If we have any tickets remaining, the price will increase to $45 on October 1.”

This event sells out folks. DO NOT wait to get your tickets.

cooper young regional beer festival 2013

Speaking of beer… Wiseacre. The Mid-South Coliseum. Together. City officials; MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

wiseacre taproom

Name one business that wants to invest ANY money into this building other than Wiseacre. Name one. Wiseacre is the ONLY business that wants anything to do with the old building. The deal would be a win for the brewery, a win for the city and a win for… me (since I live so close to the coliseum). Read more from the Commercial Appeal about the plans for the brewery to  move into the coliseum here. Support this plan Memphis!

I picked up a bicycle flashlight, speaker and battery (all in one) from amazon.com recently. All for the low, low cost of $20.



USB Rechargeable Bike Light, KMASHI MULTI-FUNCTION Waterproof Powerful LED Bike Headlight with 4800mAh Power Bank Charge Your Phone and Bluetooth Wireless Speakers

I am happy with the product, although it is a bit large and heavier than expected. I would probably use it as a back up for a light, speaker and charger. I even did a video review of the device… and then lost my bicycle camera today with the video footage… somewhere.

(UPDATE: My camera was turned into Muddys Coffee Shop!) See the video review for the device here.

And the delivery guy left the Amazon box on the front porch… here’s your sign. (Read the sign…) The struggle is real.


Last week I walked outside and saw my neighbor with THIS shirt on.


“DUDE! Where did you get that shirt?” Underground Art in Cooper Young is selling the shirt. $30 and they have limited supplies. I have purchased other shirts by the guy who makes them. Happy to represent Maiden and Memphis.

The same day I purchased the Maiden shirt, I rolled over to Hammer and Ale to pick up some Ghost River Crystal Method beer. “German Style Crystalweizen” (filtered Hefeweizen) beer. Good stuff. A bit different in flavor, but still a good beer. “One growler to go please!”

Renaissance Fair. Memphis. 2016. It’s coming.


Aug. 20th-21st, 27th & 28th. Shelby Farms. Adults $15, children $8. Oddly enough, I have to work those exact days. But… I may be able to squeeze in some time on the first day of the event. Have I been to one of these “ren faire” events in the past? No. Do I dig chain mail, swords and assorted items? Yes. I will go mostly to find interesting things to purchase.

Time for new shoes. My bike shoes are at least two years old, maybe more (the ones on the left). Thanks to Ebay, I have a new set of bicycle shoes.


No my old shoes were not gray. They WERE black. Like the color of my new shoes now. Sun and many, many miles took their toll. I only have to switch out the laces and I am in business. Boom.

Done. See YOU back here for more bikes, beers and events. Cheers.